Life on life's terms

I feel horrible today and I just want to feel better. I have caught a bug of some sorts. I am sure that will be over soon. But, some horrible things have happened to me in this past week. I usually never air my dirty laundry or try not to. I want to talk about it all I want to scream to the world what has happened and I have stressed so bad and cried non stop for 3 days… worse mother’s day ever. I have changed my life. Eventually, you will learn every dirty detail but I really wanted to talk about only upbeat happy things.  I can’t I am going to have to write about so touchy subjects. I realized that is why I was guided to this blogging thing. I am supposed to heal. I must not live in the past. I must get better or at least get some understanding and tips from others on how to deal with some things.

I am going back to bed… more posts later and try to do my daily prompt but I am telling ya that this girl is not feeling this topics of darn ol love this week…

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