Life on life's terms

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Body Image Issues

Love her outlook!


Rant rant rant. It’s that time again!

I am so sick and tired of people telling women how to look. Body image is a massive issue for women, and this has been documented to death.

I just noticed this morning that my newsfeed was full of ads for diets and quick fixes to fat “problems”. I don’t know if this is because it’s summer or because it’s simply because I’m a female. Regardless of the reasons, it’s starting to piss me off! I, personally, am quite happy with how I look. There are, of course, some aspects that I am not such a fan of and wish I could do something about but I have never hated them so much that I would be willing to go on some sort of extreme diet or rub some weird oatmeal paste stuff on my ass or thighs in hopes of shrinking them. It is…

View original post 311 more words


Update on versatile award progress

I am truly sorry for the delay in finishing my part and getting it posted. I am have it mostly done however I must complete it on a pc or laptop. I can’t even find the spelling and grammar check button on this app on the smartphone I use. I will go to the library if the car’s front end gets fixed. Yes, when it rains it pours for me anyway.


Trying to learn about astrology


I am a Leo and by this links definition I have the characteristics of a typical Leo female. Astrology to me is interesting.  So, I would like to learn more about it. I choose on this new life I am participating in to get more information about anything that peeks my interest. Yes, with the internet nowadays to learn about anything our mind can muster up! But, along with research of my own I like to get people’s opinions on the matter. Unfortunately,  I am kind of weird and must have as many people’s one on one experiences or thoughts on whatever matter I am interested in knowing more about.  So. If anyone would like to give me their knowledge on my current topic of intrigue here are a few questions I have. Any information or experiences are appreciated.

1) Do you believe in astrology? If so why? If not then why not?
2) Have you ever planned your day, week, or month around your horoscope?
3) Some say astrology is the devil. Do you feel that is true? (No need for an in depth religious discussion please).
4) If you have a sign besides your own that most people you gravitate towards?

Well, if anyone would like to share with me thanks.




I haven’t been wanting to write deeply. So, these daily post suggestions suck to me. I am going to approach this prompt differently. You see there have been many times I felt unsafe. Picking one that I can describe so the person reading it can actually feel my fear and uneasiness is a hard one! So, in order for me to get out of my writers block I am going to write a short fiction story on this topic. Yes,  I know that’s a cop out I know. But, sometimes a girl needs a break from working on touchy subjects.

It was just getting dark and I was riding my bike as fast as I could to beat the darkness. Plus, being only ten mom wanted me home before dark. Well, my chain resides to come off right as in front of the house me and all my friends know is haunted. Great just great I couldn’t get my chain back on and now it was dark! I started hearing things all around me. I was so afraid of what was coming to get me that I pissed my pants and began to cry as I pushed my bike quickly home. I saw people watching me from every dark corner and I knew this was the end someone was going to kill me. Right before I got home. Just as my house came into view. Something brushed my leg! I screamed bloody murder until I realized it was my darned bike chain. I reached the safety of my yard and through down my bike, tore in my front door and ran to my room. Mom was yelling something but I wanted out of my wet clothes and my tears to dry before I had to face her. I never felt so unsafe one moment and completely safe the next as I did that day.

Ok y’all there is my fictional story on feeling safe. Funny thing is I think every kid has a story of when they first felt unsafe. To bad parents have to tell children don’t be out after dark or this could happen. Don’t talk to strangers or they might do this. We as parents in today’s society have had no choice but to teach our kids to fear. We do it only to keep them safe.


Improving my self image


I have very low self esteem and I work on the way I see myself as much as I can. I am by no means a raving beauty. But, I am pretty to me. I took this photo without make up and I hadn’t brushed my hair since that morning.  Just el natural! If I could have taken a full body shot I would have. It would show a very large woman. My weight is a struggle. But, for now I am embracing my beauty as a whole. Even a woman that is by all the world’s definition that is obese can be sexy, beautiful, and pleasing to look at. Its all in the attitude. You act ugly you are ugly. How you see yourself is how others will see you too!
So, this is me…….rather cute huh? Lol


Fun please fun let us have some

Ok, I have seen so many fun writing challenge ideas it got me thinking. What if me and you all my loyal followers join brains and come up with a different writing challenge?  I ask only one favor. Please keep in mind that I do all my blogging on my cell with the WordPress app. This means any idea you may have please have mercy on me and make it so we don’t have to write a novel. I remember mad libs. Anyone know what that is? Well it’s like a basic story with lines or words missing.  We could do something like that? Ideas welcome PLEASE! Leave a reply if you have any ideas. Please leave me a link back to your blog also.



Here are my answers to the 10 questions the guests were asked on the show inside the actor’s studio.

1. What is your favorite word?  My favorite word is peace.
2. What is your least favorite word? Ofcorse it is hate!
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?  My new life insures me. Daily it is something different.
4. What turns you off? My depression and other mental illnesses I suffer from gets me in a rut sometimes I can’t seem to pull out of.
5. What’s your favorite cuss word? Fuck is because I feel like I’m a badass when I say it.
6. What sound or noise do you love? I love the sound of laughter.
7. What sound or noise do you hate? Nails on a chalk board.
8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? I would love to be a counselor of some sort.
9. What profession would you not like to do? A porta potty cleaner.
10. If heaven exists what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? That’s easy WELCOME!



My friend who we will call Amilio is a everyday hard working American. That just so happens to work in a very famous fast food restaurant. He has been employed there for 13 years. I chose him for my interview. 
Amilio is a father of six kids and is single. He likes to do nothing in his free time he states. Because he has worked so hard and still lives below the poverty.  This plus many other worldly struggles makes him fall into a depression that has been hard to come out of.
I asked him what he liked to do before life grabbed him and our other hard working folks like him to loose their happiness. He liked to play the gitar.  He spends a lot of time with his oldest son. Family is important to him and he often feels like he was the black sheep. But, he pushed those feelings aside and cares and lives with his mother. He believes in true love and doesn’t feel he has found it yet.
He hates his job but goes everyday regardless. He in my opinion is a red blooded American that makes our world a better place. I’m honored to be his friend.


Giving back

Don’t you think about what is your purpose in life? Why am I here? I have been pondering this a lot in my new life. I have wasted many useful years that I can take back or make up for. So, instead of dwelling on what I haven’t done I am trying to think of ways to make a difference. I had this idea to give back to charities that have helped me. My first attempt at doing this flopped and it discouraged me!
I decided to go to a local food pantry to volunteer my time. Mind you I have only gotten help from this one three times! I only went for help when desperate!  And many people go to every food pantry every month. Basically using them as they were not intended. I was never one of these types of people.  Not that they are bad. But, there are people who abuse charitable giving.
Well, I was so excited to give back and was promptly told no. Because I had gotten help in the past it was a conflict of interest for me to help there. I was saddened.  I don’t understand their policy nor have I ever heard of any charity turning down help!
So, my search continues for the right place for me to give back. Until then I shall continue doing little random acts of kindness as I ponder the question what is my purpose in life.


Me and my blog

Ok, I was in a rut for a month or so. As far as my blog I neglected it. You see, I felt I was giving minimal posts compared to what I truly am capable of. Let me explain. I blog from my smart phone. So, my posts are not very meaty! Then someone said to me that my blog can be just short stories and such. So, unless I go to the local library I will be producing short but sweet posts.

Briefly why I don’t have a computer is because I left my husband of 25 years in June 2012. I was allowed my clothes. No pictures of my kids when they were babies or nothing. Since then I now own my brand new couch, recliner, flat screen, dishes, and bed. Oh, and I live in a house that is mine. I don’t own it I rent but it is mine! I started mind you with a garbage bag of clothes! So, maybe someday I will get a computer but it’s not a priority for now. But, my blog, my means of self expression is.

The other thing I feel I need to put out there in order for you all to understand me is I am a victim of molestation, abuse, mental and physical illnesses, and I am a recovered addict. I tell you all this not for pity just for you to be able to understand some of my posts. All the past trauma I have suffered at my own hands and the hands of others doesn’t make up who I am today.  THOSE ISSUES I HAVE DEALT WITH!

Now, me today, wow what a difference! I walk with my head up and a smile on my face. This process of finding myself has been a long one! I am not done by no means. I will never be done. I change every single day. I am going to evolve into the person I know now I am. And let me tell you she is someone you want to connect with in person and through my posts. I look toward to reading all your blogs too! If you chose to follow me I chose to follow you too!

Happy blogging!