Life on life's terms

Archive for the ‘Self help and personal growth’ Category


Love myself

I Love Myself Today For The First Time In Many Days! I Love The way I Look I Love The Way I Feel I Love Myself Today! I LoveD You Until I Didn’t Love Me So Today I Know I Am Free And Loving Myself I Shall Be!


Greetings again from Nettie

Hello all! I have missed blogging so terribly much! I moved into my first new home two weeks ago and I am loving my freedom………..

Living my new life on life’s terms YES, YES,YES I AM! My life has changed so rapidly I can’t think straight to write about. I can’t get online for a while so hang with me please. I will save the $ to get it asap!

In the meantime please give me a word or sentence or even a post on the meaning of change to you. Or, if your stuck in a non changing rut tell me why you are afraid of change. I am looking to get help me decipher the many ways to combat my delays in making certain changes as well as motivation to continue making more! Thanks and happy blogging! BE BACK REAL SOON!

Taking care of myself

I needed to have a goal added to this blogging and my living life on life’s terms. So, I added a new category and titled my first post Taking care of myself. I have been going through a lot. I realized that I have let myself totally go! Several factors played into this and they are facts like going through a separation after 25 years of marriage, my children growing up and making choices of their own, feeling not needed by them anymore, drama that comes with having to make ends meet financially and they don’t, wanting everyone in your entire family to get along at every moment, just plain worrying about everyone and everything else besides myself and my mental and physical health and well-being.

You see, I thought that in my 40’s I would be settled with my husband in 2 recliners watching TV or something silly like that. It’s funny I never saw me smiling in this visualization. But, I visualized contentment. Well, life and a higher power had other things in mind for me.

So, here I sit with a choice to make. Change now that the door is open and I can smell the sense of the many choices I can make on my very own. I have slowly let myself go and waited silently still not ready to dip my toe completely into the great lake of change. Oh, don’t get me wrong I made a couple of pretty major changes. I moved from the pacific coast all the way to southern USA! I became clean and sober. I got the wants! I didn’t know for what. I don’t think I still do exactly. But, I am learning to grown and reinvent yourself. While still living life on life’s terms and everything that comes along with that is a process. It has begun this process I feel the changes. Taking care of myself is my first topic of importance.  I will be resting for a bit because I need to. I have to stay away from social media and people and just be alone.

If you have some suggestions on stuff like meditation for dummies, or eating well on a budget of a poper, letting your grown children make stupid choices they will live to regret and shutting your mouth about it all, menopause oh boy menopause. Keep in mind I am going to become very informed on issues that will make myself better but I can’t understand what I read unless it is in laymen’s terms. I have a high school education that is very old now. I want to know what helped you. If you would like to share.

Bye bye for now just a day maybe two……