Life on life's terms

Posts tagged ‘relationships’


Well, I haven’t been with my husband in 3 years but have.been intimate during this time. I don’t want to be with him.  But, he moved in with a old girlfriend and it hurts! I’m not sure how to feel or get.over this. I have been with him since I was 15 years old. We have been married 25 yrs now. Apart 3 of those. But, my problem is I love him. I haven’t slept with anyone else. But, I did date other people. I found myself still loving him. I wanted us to work. To much water under the bridge. How can I make the hurt go away and the love?


Trying to learn about astrology


I am a Leo and by this links definition I have the characteristics of a typical Leo female. Astrology to me is interesting.  So, I would like to learn more about it. I choose on this new life I am participating in to get more information about anything that peeks my interest. Yes, with the internet nowadays to learn about anything our mind can muster up! But, along with research of my own I like to get people’s opinions on the matter. Unfortunately,  I am kind of weird and must have as many people’s one on one experiences or thoughts on whatever matter I am interested in knowing more about.  So. If anyone would like to give me their knowledge on my current topic of intrigue here are a few questions I have. Any information or experiences are appreciated.

1) Do you believe in astrology? If so why? If not then why not?
2) Have you ever planned your day, week, or month around your horoscope?
3) Some say astrology is the devil. Do you feel that is true? (No need for an in depth religious discussion please).
4) If you have a sign besides your own that most people you gravitate towards?

Well, if anyone would like to share with me thanks.




Having friends can be complicated at times. Learning to live with that friend that is completely complicated is whole other issue.


Songs to get to know me

Let me introduce to you me via songs I like or have some meaning to me. I saw this on http://
I am going to try and do this, rather than all in one post, by daily posts of a song each day until I feel I’ve described myself. I will include video or lyrics in each post and tell why the song is”me”. This just sounded random and fun. Plus, what a great way to get to know the new woman I have become as well introducing past loves, relationships, family,
If you want leave me song in comments about you. Its fun to do things different once in a while. Don’t you think?


Daily prompt/Sorry, I am busy!

When I read this idea the first thing that came to mind is when my kids were really young and tried to tell me something or show me something they could do.
There were countless times that one or all wanted my attention and even if I patiently waited for them to show or tell me my mind was on other things. Dishes, laundry, dinner, or life’s many drama’s. I wished I completely focused on what they were doing. Dozens of skits or plays were acted out just for me. If only I could remember them now.
I am a grandma now and I intend on paying close attention to everything my grandchildren do or ask of me and for me. Dishes, laundry, and anything else can wait. I plan on living in the here and now with them.



One word or just a smile.
A stranger or someone from your past.
Just a kind word or jester.
Maybe anonymously give to a charity.
Happiness comes from within.
When true happiness is achieved you radiate it from your spirit.
Its contagious happiness you know?
And what a great gift.
So easy to give.
What goes around comes around.


Random thoughts again

I wonder if a true friendship exsists or are we setting expectations so high that nobody will ever measure up? Do we place these expitations on friends as a way to not let a true friendship happen in our life?


Daily prompt/ a mystery in an enigma

Tell us something about yourself nobody knows. I am a 43-year-old woman who for the first time in my life I live alone. No kids, they are all grown and on their own. No husband after 25 years of marriage. So, what I have learned recently is that I am afraid of the dark. This may seem silly but I have always had someone in my home with me. So, now I can’t sleep without a light on because I hear every creek and crack that go bump in the night. There you go world you now know my secret and I hope you all don’t tell anyone!


Love myself

I Love Myself Today For The First Time In Many Days! I Love The way I Look I Love The Way I Feel I Love Myself Today! I LoveD You Until I Didn’t Love Me So Today I Know I Am Free And Loving Myself I Shall Be!

Sayings or pictures I like/how does this make you feel?

184462_526380187397365_574518582_nThis provoked me to think about the people in my past I surrounded myself with. I am not saying they made me do the things I did but, the crowds I choose to hang with had many issues that I mimicked into my adulthood.  Today, I am surrounded by few, not many at all! But, the all encourage me on my new path in life and they believe I am and will be better.  I tend to not believe them and continue to wallow in self-pity. That’s when one of them notices and tilts me back in the right direction.