Life on life's terms

Posts tagged ‘life’

Socrates Quotes

If someone told you that you only had exactly 9 minutes to live, what would you do in those 9 minutes?

Happiness Quotes

Man must search for what is right, and let happiness come on its own.

–Johann Pestalozzi

Happiness Quotes

It’s never too late to have a happy childhood.

–Berke Breathed


I sit alone again but now I am not alone. I have a puppy. I named her Penelope and she has bought me a lot of joy. I have had writer’s block aka PTSD, ANEXITY, DEPRESSION, MENOPAUSE.  Need I say more? Yes, oh yea I do!
I haven’t been with my husband in 3 years. But, I still love him.  I have tried to change it but I still love him. The difference is today I realize that I cannot be with.him and I am not in love with.him. BUT, IT KILLES ME THAT HE IS WITH SOMEONE ELSE! So, I’m dealing with those emotional issues now. That I know if can overcome. But, it still hurts.


Giving back

Don’t you think about what is your purpose in life? Why am I here? I have been pondering this a lot in my new life. I have wasted many useful years that I can take back or make up for. So, instead of dwelling on what I haven’t done I am trying to think of ways to make a difference. I had this idea to give back to charities that have helped me. My first attempt at doing this flopped and it discouraged me!
I decided to go to a local food pantry to volunteer my time. Mind you I have only gotten help from this one three times! I only went for help when desperate!  And many people go to every food pantry every month. Basically using them as they were not intended. I was never one of these types of people.  Not that they are bad. But, there are people who abuse charitable giving.
Well, I was so excited to give back and was promptly told no. Because I had gotten help in the past it was a conflict of interest for me to help there. I was saddened.  I don’t understand their policy nor have I ever heard of any charity turning down help!
So, my search continues for the right place for me to give back. Until then I shall continue doing little random acts of kindness as I ponder the question what is my purpose in life.


Me and my blog

Ok, I was in a rut for a month or so. As far as my blog I neglected it. You see, I felt I was giving minimal posts compared to what I truly am capable of. Let me explain. I blog from my smart phone. So, my posts are not very meaty! Then someone said to me that my blog can be just short stories and such. So, unless I go to the local library I will be producing short but sweet posts.

Briefly why I don’t have a computer is because I left my husband of 25 years in June 2012. I was allowed my clothes. No pictures of my kids when they were babies or nothing. Since then I now own my brand new couch, recliner, flat screen, dishes, and bed. Oh, and I live in a house that is mine. I don’t own it I rent but it is mine! I started mind you with a garbage bag of clothes! So, maybe someday I will get a computer but it’s not a priority for now. But, my blog, my means of self expression is.

The other thing I feel I need to put out there in order for you all to understand me is I am a victim of molestation, abuse, mental and physical illnesses, and I am a recovered addict. I tell you all this not for pity just for you to be able to understand some of my posts. All the past trauma I have suffered at my own hands and the hands of others doesn’t make up who I am today.  THOSE ISSUES I HAVE DEALT WITH!

Now, me today, wow what a difference! I walk with my head up and a smile on my face. This process of finding myself has been a long one! I am not done by no means. I will never be done. I change every single day. I am going to evolve into the person I know now I am. And let me tell you she is someone you want to connect with in person and through my posts. I look toward to reading all your blogs too! If you chose to follow me I chose to follow you too!

Happy blogging!


“I am enough!. I am full of sparkle and compassion. I genuinely want to make the world a better place. I love hard. I practice kindness. I’m not afraid of the truth. I am loyal, adventurous, supportive and surprising. I am a woman. I am enough. I make mistakes, but I own them and learn from them. Sometimes I make lots of mistakes” Molly Mahar.


Daily prompt/ landscape

When I look out my window I see trees. All kinds of tress! They grow in many different varieties all around me. Some of them bloom in the spring. Others sit all year long with bare limbs. The tress I see sometimes have a bird or squirrel on every branch. Then there is one lone tree with a woodpecker pecking away at the little bark that is sustaining it. My tress they need nourished by the love of mother sun and father night. Am I talking of real tress or the trees in my landscape I call life?


More ramblings

Ok, I have been cruising so many blogs I’m blog crazy! I have twenty followers now! I have been thinking about how much of myself I’m going to reveal of the true me. I think eventually I will reveal all but maybe I will do it little by little. Like excerpts from my life. I hope this will be a more entertaining way to read about me. So, I’m just going to start with a few bios. This in a nutshell is me…..

My name is Annette Harris born 8/20/1969 I’m a mother of three sons. They are all grown now with lives of their own. I have been married 25 years but have not lived with my husband for at least 3 years. I’m an addict but today I’m clean. I’ve been homeless and ate at food pantries. I also was a medical billing specialist for ten years so I know both sides of life. My favorite color is orange! I love and adore this color. It warms my heart! I’m a Leo through and through! I’m not religious but I’m spiritual. I have one sister and a brother that’s dead. I’m expecting my first grandchild this September! It is a girl! I’ve not begun to date or even looked. I’m in a total mid life crisis. Well, kinda, my life is good it’s my mind that is gone it seems. Guess that comes with menopause and mental health issues from ruining my brain cells with dope? I’m a very fluffy woman with a sunshiny disposition! I love with all I am. I’m a good listener and friend. I neglect myself and have low self esteem. That in a nutshell is me!

More to come later…..

Daily prompt/wall to wall

I currently display nothing on my walls. My bedroom walls that is. I live with my son and his new wife. I defer our house decor to them. This economy has forced us to live together to stay afloat. But, I’m currently starting a fresh new life. I suppose that is why my walls of my personal space are blank. I was in a relationship for over 20 years. A blank slate. I remember through the years my walls reflected whatever I thought was popular with the times. Years ago there was home interior. When I was a teen it was motley crew or Bon jovi. What was popular was on my walls. My new state of affairs of my life have left me blank. Hummm, maybe I should start decorating my walls?